Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Very important information...

Parking - The Eastshore Cottages are each owned privately and therefore we will need to be very careful throughout the entire weekend to respect their space, particularly with respect to parking.  Please leave your cars at your B&Bs, or if tenting or driving from afar, unload at the house and park down on Main Street in Belgrade Lakes Village. 

Septic system - The septic system at the main house is fragile.  We'll leave it simply at that.  Please flush sparingly, if necessary, and use water in the kitchen extremely sparingly.  We will have port-o-potties available for use by our guests and we ask that you use these facilities, rather than those in the main house.  For those tenting - we will provide an outdoor water source as well as biodegradable soap for you to use in the lake (ie. no showers in the main house!). 

Kitchen - This space is generally available to everyone but will be in heavy use by volunteer cooks during the hours just before dinner.  Please try to limit your use of the main house during the mid-day hours on Saturday unless you volunteered to help prepare food.

Thanks for all your help with these very important matters...

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